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大天使米迦勒左右手的水瓶以反物理學的方式傾倒著,象徵不懂節制的人無法平靜過生活. 在Temperance的圖像中,“衡量你的步伐”,意味著中庸,強調凡事三思而後行,而非憑直覺行事.其星象射手,代表大自然的陰陽調和— 結合不同價值取向的事物於生活之中.

The image of Temperance, “measuring your steps”, means moderation, which highlights cautious moving/thinking rather acting from intuition. Astrological sign, Sagittarius, represents duality and polarity— to bring different elements into our lives together.

“事理往往呈現一體的兩面”關聯到互動設計時常提及的「跨文化」語彙. 跨文化鼓勵在多元文化下深入理解, 尊重, 甚而互相學習. 不同的價值觀將帶來多元觀點和對話機會. 設計同時不妨想想:是否能超越某些隔閡?混搭不同形式的主題是否能帶來新的潮流/價值?

“Two sides of the same coin" inspires Intercultural, which encourages a deep understanding, respect, and even mutual learning in a diverse community. Different values brings diverse views and opportunities for dialogues.
